Books and Upcoming Books

The Bush-School vs. Civilization: The Story of New Zealand's Deep Green Bush-School
Welcome to one of the most radical and revolutionary schools of recent times. With a bold and inspiring curriculum, and a principal and co-founder unafraid to challenge our most deeply-held assumptions about learning and civilization, the Deep Green Bush-School ran from 2017 to 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. Its philosophy and curriculum were solid and unassailable. Backed up evolution, anthropology, neuroscience, and the long history of healthy indigenous parenting, the DGBS attempted to raise Earth healers and eco-warriors who would make a difference in this world, who would care about justice, who would care about the state of the world, and who would know the difference between false solutions and effective, meaningful action.
But it was beset by a poison from the very start, a person embodying the values of corporate tyranny, and escalating deceit and abuse at every turn. This is life within civilization, the narcissist factory. What happened to the Deep Green Bush-School was just a reflection of the greed, deceit, and destruction pervasive all around us. If we really want to make a difference for current and future generations, we'll have to properly identify the ways in which civilization creates, empowers, and perpetuates narcissistic behavior and makes a healthy world impossible. This story of horizontal hostility and internal sabotage is a lesson and a warning to activists everywhere.
Former DGBS principal and award-winning playwright Joe Moncarz takes you on a radical critique of civilization in terms of narcissist behavior, a devastating rebuke of compulsory education and our thoughts about learning, and a look deep inside the running of a truly radical and revolutionary school.
See the Table of Contents
While in prison I researched and wrote two books. More details coming soon...